
Showing posts from September, 2018

Take More Photos!

Sculpture: Taken with Iphone 8S, Edited on VSCO Why Take more photos? Here are a few reasons. I want to say that the inspiration behind this blog was 1. from my personal experience of being in a creative funk and finding my way back , and 2. A post I came across on instagram that simply read this in scrabble letters. TAKE MORE PHOTOS. Light Fictures : Taken with Iphone 8S, Edited on VSCO      First off, being on social media allows us to see photos of places around the world without needing to leave your home. This is one of the things i love about social media. Allow me to travel through the world from the comfort of  my phone and free, without the hustle of carry ons and uncomfortable plane seats. A photo is seen by  hundreds of people at one time, therefore sharing your photos, what you may think looks bad or people don't like,  for someone somewhere is an escape from they're current reality. Perhaps their in a room with no windows, working their days away, and f