Photographs and Social Media

I don’t want this to just be another blog post. This isn't a venting post, just letting my thoughts be known. I am honestly tired. Tired of always bringing myself down and telling myself I’m not good enough, creative enough, or smart enough in comparison to others work. We are what we think, and I've been thinking about this more than I would like. Therefore it makes me feel like a failure and all the other things mentioned. We are our worst critics and we let ourselves get caught up in our own thoughts, impacting our work and everything that surrounds us. I want to say that I will no longer  limit myself from sharing what I believe is beautiful, interesting, artistic, or different, just because it’s not what other people like or tend to post about; or at least that's what I'm trying to do, thus far.  I continue to ask myself why do I need to be the same as everyone else to get likes on my pictures? I am my own person and see things differently from others, that doesn't mean that what they post is better than mine or what I do is better than theirs. I love photography and I love that I can be creative with it, but for the past couple of months its been extremely unmotivated to share my work on social media, or even go out and take photographs, because of it not meeting the "standards".  
     I'd like my photographs to be seen by everyone without having to worry about the hashtags I used, or the number of people following my page. It’s understandable that the more followers you have and the hashtags used,  the more people are directed to your page and start following you, but does that determine what I should post. Not everyone is going to share my same point of view and that is perfectly ok with me. What about just sharing your pictures to share them without caring who likes them or not,  the purpose of having social media is not to see how many followers you have, or how many likes your picture gets, social media is about sharing your pictures out there for the world to see.  We live in a society nowadays that everything is based on what other people like, and what other people do, or even compare your work with others, and that isn’t right. We get so consumed in the opinions of others, that we loose the faith in ourselves and post what we want to post and express yourself. Don't let the trends get to you, you were created to be creative. So get up and get out there, you don't need a fancy camera to take great pictures. In my next post I will be sharing some pictures. I encourage you to join me, and share what you come up with in the comments below. 


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