Unity in Community

     "If you want to go FAST, go ALONE
If you want to go FAR, go TOGETHER".
- African Proverb
Model: Ashley Garcia
     In today's world, we tend to think only of ourselves and what we want. There is a lot of rivalry a lot of hate and disagreements. The image symbolizes coming together as one, putting aside the rivalry, competition, and superiority. This not only for the car enthusiast world, but in everything we do. We are living in days where hate, and  competition rules over everything else. Days in which creativity is based on the ideas of others,  and the "i can do better than them" concept is used on a daily basis. In the photographic industry this is more common than id like  to admit, I see it haven very often, and at time's I've found myself feeling this way. We are beginning to see  others taking your work, and passing it off as they're own; without giving you the proper credits, the use of the same looks and filters, ideas being passed of as your own; when others began them. With an array of opportunity and wide range of styles and ways to be unique an create your own style why do what everyone else is doing. You can use others style as inspiration, or go to the extent of using your image as they're own, but inspiration is one thing and plagiarism is another. That's why his image is so important to me. The reason  we see all these things happening, is because our ego tell us we can do better than that, we can make it better,  they don't know what they're doing, and so on. Instead of encouraging one another, helping them out where they struggle, we criticize. What the majority of people don't realize is that instead of coming of as creative, and unique your audience gets tired of  seeing the same things over and over. They think that by keeping things to themselves it will limit others from doing better than  them. We need to stop this closed /selfish way of thinking and being. We need to come together as a community and inspire one another. Give credit when credit is due. We need to stop the rivalry and competitions, that isn't taking anyone anywhere. Instead it turns something we love into a competition, and rather than enjoy it we end up falling out of love with it, become uninterested, and sadly the work shows it. So, lets come together, help each other get better, not tear each other down. Together well get far.
"In unity we achieve VICTORY"


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