My Journey Into Photography

Lets Begin... 
     Fast forward to Senior year, college fair. I knew that I wanted one of  two things. Design or Photography, and if you think about it they both go together. Design, because while I was growing up I was introduced to the fashion world and loved everything about fashion design, the drawings famous designers, you name it I loved I all. And photography, because due to that exposure I was I was the model in front of the camera, and I loved it so much I wanted to be the one taking those pictures. In University, I took a semester in photography and knew I loved it, but I knew that I didn't want to make it a career. I felt restricted in what I could do, therefore, I changed paths and kept photography as a hobby. Ever since then I've been experimenting with ideas using the Sony Cybershot DSC-P1 point and shoot camera, due to my limited resources, I had not been able to purchase a DSLR (digital single-lens reflex). My phone at the time the Motorola SLVR was a great tool during this period, and to this day it is, but that's another topic.

No that is not an iPod, Its a ZUNE, To the Right of it was my phone,
the Motorola SLVR.
      It wasn't until two years ago, that I was able to get my first DSLR, I've always love Nikons, therefore I did my research and found that the Nikon D5500 (now discontinued and replaced by the D3400) was the best for me. This was my equipment for a couple of moths while I practiced with the settings.  With that, I began capturing memories, and finding things that peaked my interest. 

     I have tried to do this as a business, unfortunately I found myself loosing interest and feeling uncreative (if that's a word), that's why I started this blog; to share with everyone my work and creativity with everyone, while at the same time, expressing what I believe a lot of beginning photographers feel, but don't really say do to the pressure we feel to express ourselves. I like to capture images with a unique side, I don't like to capture what everyone else already sees, I like to show what others miss. For example, in my a previous post I spoke of being in Savannah, Georgia from my post you wouldn't think those images are from there. A lot of people focus on the trees, the river, the bridge. I chose to capture the historical architecture, what makes this town unique. I've leaned, that by doing what everyone else is doing, your not exercising your creative muscles. Caring too much of what others think of your work, is taking away from expressing your creativity. We may all like the same flower, but we all find have a different reason on why we like the flower. My journey has just begun,  and everyday I try to share a part of my with the world. I'm not the best in the world, but I am working on being the best version of myself, and live my most creative life. 

p.s. this post is not sponsored by any of the mentioned companies. I wanted to give you all an idea of the "equipment" I used, that began my journey.


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