Are Cell Phone Cameras the New Cameras?

Photo Taken with Galaxy S7, while in Savannah, Georgia taken during a trolley tour. Post Editing Done in Lightroom CC Mobile. 

     Let’s have a little fun with this shall we. And I'm not talking about selfies with the many filters here, I'm talking about taking pictures you would take with a camera (whether is a point and shoot or a more sophisticated DSLR). Recently, phone companies have been marketed they’re phones based on the camera that they have integrated to the phones. Whether the mega pixels were increased, the auto focus, the glass used on the camera, the light sensitivity, you name it. These are used as the new selling points when it comes to the newest models. Considering my love for photography, I have fallen into the trap of these ads and have changed phones on multiple occasions only because of the "new camera features" and nothing else. Having a portable camera the fits in my pocket while i travel, that can take professional quality images has been very beneficial.

Photo Taken with Galaxy S7. Savannah, Georgia Series
     In fact, in my previous post of Savannah, I mentioned that if it would have been for my phone, I wouldn't of had memorable pictures from that trip. I recently did a post on my Instagram, asking my followers to vote on what they thought the image shown, was taken with; the Nikon, or the phone I had at the time the picture was taken Galaxy S7. I’m surprised to say that the majority of the pictures that were taken with the Galaxy S7 with the exception of two, were thought to be taken with the Nikon. This goes to show, if you have a good phone with a decent camera, get yourself an editing app, and you’ll be surprised on what you can create. So to answer the question. Yes, I believe phone are used as the new camera, but will it replace photographer overall No. Phones are a great tool to learn and experiment with different things, without needing the expensive. If you love taking pictures, don’t use not having a good camera as an excuse not to take pictures and enhance your talents, chances are with the camera in your pocket you can achieve amazing images. Do what you love, with what you have. Don’t use not having expensive equipment as a reason not to do it. 
Phone cameras, arent going to have the same setting, or  options that a      regular camera has, at leas t not now . I  can see this being a thing in the future considering the popularity it has created. Its already begun, look at the newest Samsung Phones and the newest Iphones, to mention the  most popular. If you think about it . This is the future. You want to start , but scared to invest alot of money, you have the best tool to start in your pocket. 

Photo Taken with Galaxy S7,  Savannah, Georgia Series
Now let me know what you'll think, are they? 


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