
Take More Photos!

Sculpture: Taken with Iphone 8S, Edited on VSCO Why Take more photos? Here are a few reasons. I want to say that the inspiration behind this blog was 1. from my personal experience of being in a creative funk and finding my way back , and 2. A post I came across on instagram that simply read this in scrabble letters. TAKE MORE PHOTOS. Light Fictures : Taken with Iphone 8S, Edited on VSCO      First off, being on social media allows us to see photos of places around the world without needing to leave your home. This is one of the things i love about social media. Allow me to travel through the world from the comfort of  my phone and free, without the hustle of carry ons and uncomfortable plane seats. A photo is seen by  hundreds of people at one time, therefore sharing your photos, what you may think looks bad or people don't like,  for someone somewhere is an escape from they're current reality. Perhaps their in a room with no windows, working their days away, and f

Are Cell Phone Cameras the New Cameras?

Photo Taken with Galaxy S7, while in Savannah, Georgia taken  during a trolley tour. Post Editing Done in Lightroom CC Mobile.       Let’s have a little fun with this shall we. And I'm not talking about selfies with the many filters here, I'm talking about taking pictures you would take with a camera (whether is a point and shoot or a more sophisticated DSLR). Recently, phone companies have been marketed they’re phones based on the camera that they have integrated to the phones. Whether the mega pixels were increased, the auto focus, the glass used on the camera, the light sensitivity, you name it. These are used as the new selling points when it comes to the newest models. Considering my love for photography, I have fallen into the trap of these ads and have changed phones on multiple occasions only because of the "new camera features" and nothing else. Having a portable camera the fits in my pocket while i travel, that can take professional quality images h

My Journey Into Photography

Lets Begin...       Fast forward to Senior year, college fair. I knew that I wanted one of  two things. Design or Photography, and if you think about it they both go together. Design, because while I was growing up I was introduced to the fashion world and loved everything about fashion design, the drawings famous designers, you name it I loved I all. And photography, because due to that exposure I was I was the model in front of the camera, and I loved it so much I wanted to be the one taking those pictures. In University, I took a semester in photography and knew I loved it, but I knew that I didn't want to make it a career. I felt restricted in what I could do, therefore, I changed paths and kept photography as a hobby. Ever since then I've been experimenting with ideas using the Sony Cybershot DSC-P1   point and shoot camera, due to my limited resources, I had not been able to purchase a DSLR ( digital single-lens reflex) . My phone at the time the Motorola SLVR was a g

Unity in Community

     "If you want to go FAST, go ALONE If you want to go FAR, go TOGETHER". - African Proverb Model: Ashley Garcia            In today's world, we tend to think only of ourselves and what we want. There is a lot of rivalry a lot of hate and disagreements. The image symbolizes coming together as one, putting aside the rivalry, competition, and superiority. This not only for the car enthusiast world, but in everything we do. We are living in days where hate, and  competition rules over everything else. Days in which creativity is based on the ideas of others,  and the "i can do better than them" concept is used on a daily basis. In the photographic industry this is more common than id like  to admit, I see it haven very often, and at time's I've found myself feeling this way. We are beginning to see  others taking your work, and passing it off as they're own; without giving you the proper credits, the use of the same looks and filters, i

Through the Streets of Savannah, Georgia

       As promised in my last post, I want to share with you all some of my photographs. These to be honest I've never posted. I took these in October of 2016 in Savannah, atop of a trolley while the sun was setting, during a one of Savannahs famous Ghost Tours. I never wanted to edit these, I didn't believe they were good enough, or that people would be interested on seeing these. I had just started my journey as a photographer and had little gear to work with. To say that when we arrived, my camera's battery was dead, therefore I was not able to take any photographs with my camera all throughout day. I captured some with my phone, but those are not included on here. These are the streets of Savannah, not what you will normally see when its pulled up on a search. I hope you enjoy.        Last but not the least, is an image I was ablate salvage from the hotel we were staying in. If you know about Savannahs history you will know that there are many st

Photographs and Social Media

      I don’t want this to just be another blog post. This isn't a venting post, just letting my thoughts be known. I am honestly tired. Tired of always bringing myself down and telling myself I’m not good enough, creative enough, or smart enough in comparison to others work. We are what we think, and I've been thinking about this more than I would like. Therefore it makes me feel like a failure and all the other things mentioned. We are our worst critics and we let ourselves get caught up in our own thoughts, impacting our work and everything that surrounds us. I want to say that I will  no longer   limit myself from sharing what  I  believe is beautiful, interesting, artistic, or different, just because it’s not what other people like or tend to post about; or at least that's what  I'm  trying to do, thus far.   I  continue to ask myself why do  I  need to be the same as everyone else to get likes on my pictures? I am my own person and see things differently from